Our practice takes pride in utilizing advanced dental technologies that increase patient comfort and satisfaction. The Bacterial Reduction Laser System, a sophisticated soft tissue laser, is a device that uses light energy to perform treatment. Lasers can target tissue while leaving surrounding tissue unaffected, which allows your dentist to perform very precise procedures.
Lasers have many uses in the dental office. However, one in particular is the nonsurgical treatment for periodontal disease (gum disease). This is an infection of bone and supporting structures. In fact, it has been found that periodontal disease has been linked to heart attacks, cancer and Alzheimer's Disease. Although scientists do not understand the exact nature of the connection between gum inflammation and disease, studies emphasize that the benefits of having a healthy mouth go far beyond personal appearance and no cavities. That is why treating periodontal disease is so important.
After removing the tarter and calculus from your teeth at your hygiene visit, laser therapy may be necessary to selectively remove diseased or infected tissues lining the pockets around your teeth. At the same time, the laser will kill the bacteria that cause your gum disease and promote healing of your gums around your teeth.
Many times procedures done with laser therapy can be performed with much less discomfort than with conventional methods. This is due to the lasers ability to seal off nerve endings and blood vessels and to be tissue-specific during treatment. For added safety, your dentist or hygienist will have you wear special safety eyewear during the procedure.
By offering our patients laser therapy, we are not only cleaning teeth and providing beautiful smiles, we are also treating our patients comprehensively which can prolong the life of our patients.